tv This Week With George Stephanopoulos ABC August 21, 2016 8:00am-9:01am MDT
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starting right now on "this week" with george stephanopoulos. trump shakeup. >> and believe it or not, i regret it. >> a brand-new team in charge. again. >> you have to be you. if you start pivoting, you're not being honest with people. >> but with just 79 days before the election, can trump really change? >> when someone shows you who they arebe >> or is this one more false start? plus, with new questions over the clinton foundation -- >> it was pay for play. >> -- and those e-mails, can hillary clinton clear the hurdle of trust? this morning, we'll talk to campaign managers from both sides. and rnc chair reince priebus. from abc news, it's "this week." here now, chief anchor george
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>> so is this the week? the week we finally see the new and different donald trump so many republicans are hoping for? back in the spring, trump mused about it. >> by the way, i can be more presidential than anybody. i can be more presidential, if i want to be. i would say more presidential, and i've said this a couple of times, more presidential than anybody other than the great abe lincoln. he was very presidential, right? >> his campaign chair paul manafort promised the gop change >> you'll start to see more depth of the person. the real person, youl see him in a different way. >> after a summer of bad news and tanking poll number, trump fired manafort this week. vowed to run his own way. >> i am who i am. it's me. i don't want to change. everyone talks about, oh, well, you're going to pivot. i don't want to pivot. i mean, you have to be you. >> then came thursday's surprising admission. >> sometimes in the heat of debate, you don't choose the
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or you say the wrong thing. i have done that. and i do regret it. particularly where it may have caused personal pain. >> so was that the handiwork of trump's new leadership team, campaign manager kellyanne conway and steve bannon, conservative fire brand ceo. how does it square with this, trump's tough first ad? >> in hillary clinton's america, the system s illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes get to stay. >> we're joined now by kellyanne conway, donald trump's new campaign manager. welcome to "this week." good to see you. >> thank you. >> you're his third campaign manager. is the third time the charm? >> this was the best week, i think, so far in the trump campaign. mostly because he's able to be
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but also the pivot he's made is on substance. he's out there talking about law enforcemt.en talking about defeating radical islamic terrorism. >> we've heard that before. >> not really, these are plans. people can disagree with them. but they can see them. they can pull up his plan for middle class tax relief. they can say, hey, this guy said we've had 33,000 murders by isis and its predecessor groups since 2003 or so. 80% of them occurring in the last three years. since the birth and growth of isis happened. he's at least willing to call them radical terrorists. mrs. clinton in her convention speech last she'll call donald trump a radic radical. she just won't call the terrorists radical. >> we saw the comments on thursday night expressing regret. you have the hillary clinton campaign running a video showing donald trump talking about the times he doesn't regret what he said. whether it was the comment about the khan family. judge curiel, john mccain. what does mr. trump regret saying? >> he said he wants to regret any time he's caused somebody
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i think those who have received it privately should take that expression of regret -- >> he's called the khan family? he's called john mccain and apologized? >> no, he expressed regret publicly. he's said if i caused you personal pain -- that could include me or you -- that reregrets that. that's the donald trump that i know. >> that's regretting what they feel not what he said. >> no, no. that's regretting -- he said if i have chosen the wrong words or said something in way i didn't intend, then this is what people love. they love humility. accessibility. authenticity. i'm amazed that the hillary team has responded in yet another attack on donald trump. when are we going to hear about how she really feels about aetna and united health care pulling out of obamacare? it's still seen unfavorably. is she going to own it? we want to pivot on substance. and we hope they'll do the same. >> i'll talk to mr. mook in a bit.
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is he sor for what he said about john mccain. is he sorry for what he said about judge curiel. >> he said he regrets the personal pain he's caused. i'm pleased that senator mccain has endorsed him. and he's endorsed senator mccain. he's in a tough primary fight next week. i believe this is what people appreciate. we couldn't get secretary clinton to say she was sorry about deleting 33,000 e-mails. she's sorry about pay to play at the ste she's sorry about the clinton foundation taking all these foreign donations that i assume, george, she's implicitly admitting are not a good idea since they reported this week that they would quote stop taking these foreign donations if she's elected. doesn't it show it was not a good idea to do in the first place? >> another question for mr. mook. you have had a change of heart, as well. during the primaries, you supported a superpac for ted cruz. >> he's built a lot of his
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the little guy. completely transparent. donald trump's tax returns are not. i would like to see that. it's vulgar. i do want somebody who hurls personal insults or goes and talks about philosophical differences. >> what changed for you? >> i don't like people who hurt personal insults. that's not my style. i'm a children. that will never change. >> you think mr. trump will change on hurling insults? >> he doesn't hurl personal insults. he's bringing the case to communities of color in michigan. he's speaking to all americans when he does that, george. he's challenging the democratic party. she's challenging hillary clinton and president obama's legacy. and democratic mayors all over the country. how in the world can we abide a 58% unemployment rate among african-american youth. how can we stand more than 1
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poverty? the hillary clinton people want to it be about tone and temperament. we also want it to be about facts and figures. that's the only way to rebuild the american economy. you unleash energy independence. you get hold of the situation that is obamacare. facts don't lie. he's going to places where other republican candidates are unwilling or unable to do. >> one more question on this. you stand by your comments. you believe donald trump should be transparent with his tax returns? >> i learned -- i'm glad he's transparent about a number of things. we're certainly running against the least accountable, least transparent, i think joyless candidate in american history. i learned from the inside, the audit is a serious matter. he's said when the audit is complete, he'll release his tax returns. i know that what concerns people most about quote taxes is their own tax liability. we appreciate people being able to see hillary clinton's plan and donald trump's plan and see who will get the middle class tax relief.
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that mr. trump made about the amp american community. here's part of them this week. >> what do you have to lose? what do you have to lose? you're living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. 58% of your youth is unemployed. what the hell do you have to se? >> as you know, you were just talking about that. many in the african-american community saw that as insulting, because they said most african-americans don't live in poverty. and he was making those comments in communities that were more than 90% white. >> those comments are more than -- i'm white. i live in a white community. he's trying to tell americans we can do better. the thing he said that got a great deal of resonance is maybe hillary clinton looks at you as voters. i look at you as people. if you think 58% of unemployment in the african-american youth community is a good idea, then absolutely, please go vote for hillary clinton, everyone.
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candidate that believes in school choice vouchers and charter schools for african-american, hispanic students. and everybody really. but they've benefited. i've done a lot of work in that space here in new york city. it's remarkable to see the quality education these students who are fully capable and very intelligent receive through school choice and charters. hillary clinton's against those. >> you talk about the changes mr. trump is ready to talk about now. what about on the ground? you're still far behind the hillary clinton campaign in staffing, organizations, in the states and in the headquarters. >> we're trying to get an assessment of where we are state by state. i'll be talking to field staff, field directors, data operation. find out where we are, what we need. we also are just -- we're going to start employing people that are talented in the swing states we plan to extend to 10 or 11. i'm happy to announce we're working closely with the rnc, whether it's political, data, fund-raising. a great relationship with chairman priebus.
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and we at the campaign are going to expect shawn spicer, the director of communications at the rnc to spend more time with us. >> he'll join your campaign? >> he'll spend more time here. >> we're going to talk to mr. priebus in a second. one final question on the debates. mr. trump told me a few weeks ago he wasn't sure about the dates or the moderators. is he now prepared to accept the moderators and debate dates chosen? >> we're talking about the particulars, logistics, about the debates. we're doing debate prep. different ways. he's very engaged with that. it's enjoyable for him. he's a natural communicator. natural connecter with people. the debates are a fabulous opportunity to force a conversation on to substance. what i learned this week, we had a great week. best week so far. the other thing i learned is donald trump is back in hillary clinton's head. if you look at the way they're responding to this week, that's where he needs to be occupying serious real estate. >> not yet ready to accept the
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>> kellyanne, thank you. >> thank you. let's go to reince priebus. he joins us now from washington. mr. chairman, thank you for joining us again today. >> thank you, george. >> you heard kellyanne conway just say they'll be beefing up cooperation with you. do you believe donald trump is doing what it takes to change the trajectory of this campaign? >> i do. i thing he's had a great week. i think he's g i think he likes the new style that he's been out on the campaign trail producing. and speaking of. so i think he's done great. and i think the polls will begin to tighten. and the next couple of weeks. by labor day, or there after, you'll be back to an even race if we continue down this path. >> it can't happen too quickly for a lot of republicans getting nervous about whether he's going to be a drag on house and senate
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110 of them have written an open letter to you. saying, quote, every dollar spent by the rnc on donald trump's campaign is a dollar of donor money wasted on a candidate who has actively undermined the gop at every turn. your response? >> i think some of them are good people. many of them are. they don't understand what we do. for everyone out there to understand. if we're in ohio, we have an portman. and an important race for president with donald trump. someone has to identify voters we want to vote early and get an absentee ballot in their hands. we have to have a program to make sure that that ballot gets into the box. so whether you're doing that work for the senate, or the president, or a house race, that's what the republican national committee does. in part. what we have is most of these states that are in play for
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so the work that we do on the ground and building data files. it's work that both the senate race and a presidential race needs to have happen. that's what the rnc does. there is no $50 million or $100 million put away for television. we don't buy tv. it's not like taking $10 million away from one candidate and giving it to another. this is work to identify swing voters and republican voters, our direction. and then making sure they turn out by early vote or on election day. >> but it is okay with you, if those candidates, we have seen senator mark kirk in illinois repudiate mr. trump, is it okay if they follow the path that was followed in 1996. it looked like bob dole was losing the race, they went out and said it's time to elect us so we don't give a blank check to bill clinton then.
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>> i think those people need a lesson on federal election law. on first of all, in regard to mark kirk, that's not a presidential battleground state, so that's a different deal. back to your question, in 1996, there was soft, corporate money coming into the political parties. dnc, rnc, back in 1996, could take millions of dollars from corporations and buy television ads. some of those people that signed the letter took away the right for national parties to have that money for television ads. so there is no soft money pass through the national parties. in october, that could mean the difference between $100 million to a senate race versus $100 million to a presidential. you have to look at the election laws that allow national parties to pivot like that in october. that doesn't exist. >> finally, you know, we saw -- we had kellyanne conway just join us.
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and steve bannon has joined as well. he's been quite critical of the republican leadership this congress. take a look. >> not interested in reform. they're sbes interested in bein partner in increasing statism. and there is a dedicated group of libertarian, tea party conservatives and limited government conservatives here to destroy them. >> are you confident he can be in charge of the kind of leadership, like speaker paul ryan can be comfortable with? >> i'm never happy with unearned criticisms. of the national parties, great leaders like paul ryan. but, let me say this. i think people can pivot into different roles. and ultimately, the person in charge of donald trump's campaign is donald trump. and so, let me say, the last few days, i think everyone has seen that we have a continued pathway that donald trump has been
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better for this campaign. i think he's doing great. he's on a great pathway to recalibrating the campaign and getting this thing tight. you saw kellyanne conway do a really fantastic job in pivoting and showing a direction to this dam pain that we're going. donald trump has been disciplined and mature. i think he's going to get this thing back on track and tight and ahead as we move through september. >> mr. chairman, thank you for joining us. >> you bet. thank you. yo clinton campaign manager joins us live next. robbmook. and our exclusive with green party candidate dr. jill stein. coming up. coming up. ? your heart loves omega-3s. but there's a difference between the omega-3s in fish oil and those in megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed
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when it comes to selecting america's leader for the next four years, you're stuck with two choices. hillary clinton and donald trump. >> trevor noah on "the daily show" this weekend. our latest poll with "the washington post" shows he's on to something. 57% of voters are dissatisfied with the choice between clinton and trump. 31% very dissatisfied. is that a chance for jill stein or gary johnson? together with our partners at ssrs, w opinion panel if they're considering voting for a third party candidate. only 35% of people said they were. 60% said they worried that that would elect the candidate they liked the least. we'll take that fear to dr. stein, coming up. hat fear to dr stein, coming up. and i want to enjoy every moment of it. that's why i use fast-acting excedrin for my headaches. excedrin has two pain fighters plus a booster.
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they can make him read new words from a teleprompter. but he's still the same man who insults gold star families. demeans women. mocks people with disabilities. and thinks he knows more about isis than our generals. there is no new donald trump. this is it. >> hillary clinton on the stump this week. we're joined b manager, robby mook. thank you for joining us. you heard kellyanne conway say, no, we're seeing a different donald trump. best week of the campaign in the last week. he's reinforcing that with new policies. while hillary clinton promises more of the same. >> well, george, we're not seeing a pivot. donald trump himself said this was not a pivot. he wants to double down on letting donald trump be donald trump. that's why he's brought in to
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wrote -- ran a so-called news organization, breitbart news, which has peddled some of the worst conspiracy theories around. they've run news, quote unquote news that's defended white supremacists, that's been sexist, racist, the worst of our politics. i think we should be concerned. i would also point out that paul manafort has been pushed out. that doesn't mean that the russians have been pushed out of this campaign. the hand of the kremlin has been at work in this campaign for some time. it's clear they're supporting donald trump. we need donald trump to explain the extent to which the hand of the kremlin is at the core of his own campaign. there's a web of financial interests that have not been is closed. there are real questions about whether donald trump is a puppet for the kremlin in this race? >> you're saying he's a puppet
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being raised about that. again, there's a web of financial ties to the russians that he refuses to disclose. we've seen, over the last few weeks, him parroting vladimir putin in his own remarks. we saw donald trump talk about leaving nato and leaving our eastern european allies vulnerable to a russian attack. the gentlemahe brought with him to his security briefing just last week is someone who's on the payroll of the russia times, which is basically a propaganda arm of the kremlin. he was sitting two seats away from vladimir putin at their tenth anniversary gala. there are a lot of questions here. we need donald trump to disclose all of his financial ties. and whether his advisers are having meetings with the kremlin. >> a lot of questions this week about the clinton foundation. you announced that the foundation would not take
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governments and foundations if hillary clinton wins. that has people wondering why it's okay to do that now but didn't happen when she was secretary of state. donald trump jr. said, is it okay to accept foreign and corporate money when secretary of state but not potus? doesn't it suggest that taking those contradictions when secretary clinton was secretary of state was wrong? >> the steps taken when secrety state department were unprecedented. it's important to keep in mind. this is a nonprofit, philanthropic organization. 90% of the cost of malaria drugs has come down thanks to the work of the clinton foundation. over 10 million people around the globe today are receives life-saving hiv and aids treatments thanks to the clinton foundation. donald trump's bottom line is connected to all kinds of financial interests. that he refuses to disclose.
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unprecedented. we're happy that that planning is taking place. i think when we talk about transparency, disclosure, donald trump needs to release his taxes. he needs to explain his financial ties. yesterday, we read in "the new york times," that his businesses owe millions of dollars to the bank of china. donald trump talks all the time about a trade war with china. how can he do that when millions of dollars of his own bottom line could be affected? directly by the chinese for a second. it's not just secrety clinton's critics who are suggesting a change should come. ed rendell, former governor of pennsylvania, said they should stop taking the contributions. "the boston globe" endorsed secretary sliclinton in the primaries. here's what they wrote. the clinton foundation is clearly a liability for hillary clinton as she seeks the presidency.
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political and actual distraction and stop accepting funding. if clinton is elected, the foundation should be shut down. will that happen? >> what the foundation has said is that they'll continue to operate. again, george, i want to keep in mind. millions of people around the world depend on life saving health treatments that the foundation provides. just pulling the plug on that would threaten lives around the globe. the foundation is in the process of trying to figure out how to refocus, reshift. the steps they've pledged to take as a philanthropic organization are unprecedented. you didn't hear questions about the bush foundation when second bush president came into office. his family continued to stand on the board there. president clinton has said he'll step down. >> hasn't it become a liability? >> no, look, what the foundation is saying is that they don't want to become a distraction. they want to go as far as they possibly can to make sure there's no possible conflict of interests. i want to be fair here. donald trump is refusing to disclose deep financial ties that potentially reach into the kremlin.
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and where countries like china have leverage over him and could potentially distort his decisionmaking there. none of this is being disclosed. you and i are having this conversation because the foundation has chose on the take unprecedented steps to disclose their donors. >> you heard kellyanne conway not confirming the dates. is alternate dates for the debates? >> the dates are the dates, the debates are the debates. these rules and the debates were set a long time ago. we agreed to them immediately. i think the voters will see a stark difference from steady leadership from secretary clinton and depth of experience from secretary clinton and ill temperament and poor judgment from donald trump. that's what they've seen the entire campaign. we welcome these debates. let's get on with it. nobody's ever argued over the rules.
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if he wants the attention of causing controversy. they need to get over it. let's have the debates. let the american people make their judgment. >> dr. jill stein is coming up. are you worried she'll drain votes from secretary clinton? in a close race? >> i'm not. our role is to make the case for secretary clinton every day. she's the most qualified person to ever seek the presidency. she'll provide the steady judgment we want. she's laid out clear plans to create an economy that not just those at the top. i don't think people want to divert their vote to jill stein or anybody else. they're going to vote for secretary clinton. we'll keep focused on making her case. >> robby mook, thank you very much. we'll be right back with dr. jill stein and our powerhouse "roundtable." images, videos, social updates. we call it dark data.
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unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body... ...which makes your heart, well, mega-happy. happier still, megared is proven to increase omega-3 levels in 30 days. megared. the difference is easy to absorb. can i just say -- to the bernie or bust people, you're being ridiculous. [ cheers and applause ] >> there's sarah silverman at the democratic convention, calling out the democrats who can't get behind hillary clinton. and even though bernie sanders is on board now, some liberals are saying, never hillary. it could be an opening for green party candidate, jill stein. >> this is what democracy looks
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dr. stein wants to build on what sanders sparked. >> we're saying no to the lesser evil and yes to the greater good. >> born in chicago, she graduated from harvard college and medical school before starting her medical career in massachusetts. her passion for health and education brought her to politics. running for governor twice. back in 2012, stein got less than one-half of 1% of the vote as the green party presidential nominee. the latest poll shows her at 4% this time around, which could be enough to change this race. thank you for coming in. your first sunday interview. tell our viewers, give them the 30-second case why jill stein. >> because people are being thrown under the bus and they're tired of it. they're tired of a rigged economy. tired of a rigged political system. they don't like the two choices that are basically bought and paid for by the big banks, by the fossil fuel giants, by the
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forward. i'm a physician, not a politician. i'm not part of the corrupt system. i'm the only candidate in the race not corrupted by lobbyists' money, superpacs, by corporate money. i have the liberty to stand up and offer the solutions that the american people are clamoring for. >> you heard robby mook there the clinton campaign manager, saying he is not worried about your candidacy. donald trump has gone furt let's take a look. >> i think a vote for stein would be good. it's the green party. i figure anybody voting for stein is going to be for hillary. so i think vote for stein is fine. >> he addresses what we showed in our poll as well. what do you say to voters who would worry that by voting for you, the progressives, liberals, democrats, they would help elect donald trump? >> well, that politics of fear that people have been told for quite awhile, vote against who you're scared of rather than for the candidate who represents
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what we have seen over the years is that this politics of fear actually delivered everything we were afraid of. all the reasons people were told to vote for the lesser evil. because you didn't want the offshoring of our jobs. you don't want the massive bailouts for wall street. you didn't want the endless expanding wars. the attack on immigrants. that's what we've gotten because we, the people, have allowed ourselves to be silenced. democracy needs a moral compass. it needs a vision. an affirmative vision of what we're about. and an agenda that we can put forward. it's been a race to the bottom between those two parties that have thrown us under the bus. >> there is a recent example, though. the 2000 campaign. progressives voted for ralph nader in florida. they say that elected george w. bush. there was a real difference there. >> well, let's be clear. we're in a very different political moment. we could argue that physical mythology until the cows come home. i'll save that discussion for
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we're in a very different political moment. most voters have rejected the democratic and republican party. the largest bloc of voters are now independent. democrats and republicans are a minority party. running at around 28% each. the majority of voters have rejected hillary clinton and donald trump and are clamoring for something else. so who are those on top to be giving marching orders t politicians do not have a new form of entitlement. they're not entitled to our votes. they have to earn our votes. hillary clinton and donald trump have not earned our votes. >> you are saying things no other candidate is willing to say. back on july 13th, you talked about disarming the police. let's take a look. >> we also need to explore what it means to disarm our police force. because as a society, we have become armed combatants, all of
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and in addition to police targeting, there are so many people who are just caught in the cross-fire of guns. >> how would disarming police work in a society where there are millions of guns out there? >> exactly. which is why i used the term something to explore in the future. the context was talking about violence, and police violence in particular, with over this year alone. and our need to actually hold police accountable so we can address the scourge of racist violence. and i think it's important to see that as not just police violence. we're in a violent society. we're all being caught in the crossfire. we have called for not only police review boards, not only investigators to look into each death at the hands of police, but also to call for a truth and reconciliation commission. so that we can address this
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racism which, in many ways, has been a continuous line since the institution of slavery, lynchings, jim crow and so on. into mass incarceration and the epidemic current oy of police violence. >> you're at 4% now. far better than 2012. still far from being able to win the race. what is victory for dr. stein? and the green party? >> the curtain has only begun to come up on our campaign. with the cnn town hall meeting the other night. we're encouraging other stations to also hold town halls. the american people deserve the right to vote and to know who they can vote for. i'm running 4 to 6%, 7%, without any national coverage. this is basically percolating up from below. largely from a millennial generation that is locked out of a future right now. i'm in this running as a medical
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medicine, because we have to heal our sick political system. i'm in this as a mother, very concerned about the future that our younger generation doesn't have. and that's who is mostly paying attention. i think they're early adopters here. if they don't have a future, we don't have a future. they are locked in debt, they don't have jobs. they're looking at a climate that is unraveling on their watch. looking at the news of the last weeks. unheard of flooding, now in louisiana. and unprecedented fires in california. heat waves. this is what the future looks like. because i'm not captured by the usual suspects, i have the liberty to stand up and call for importantly our main platform, which is an emergency jobs program to address the emergency of climate change. we're calling for a green new deal. that will create an emergency transition to 100% clean renewable energy. >> thank you, dr. stein. >> great to be with you. >> we'll be right back with insight and analysis from our
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the chief correspondent for "the washington post," dan balz. kristen soltis andereson, and democratic strategist jamal simmo simmons. third campaign manager, matthew dowd, for donald trump. we saw the expression of regret this week. how much real change? >> we'll see. this is all temporary. he's been at this 400 days, she's so he's sort of made a change for the last four. we'll see how this goes for the next 79 days. normally, george, as you know, the campaigns that succeed start with the same team and end with the same team. george w. bush, barack obama, bill clinton. >> ronald reagan brought in james baker. >> i thought reince priebus said something very -- very pointed and very factual. donald trump is running his own campaign. it doesn't matter if ironman puts pepper potts in charge of the campaign, tony stark is still running this. i don't think we'll have much change unless donald trump
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>> and dan balz, we heard kellyanne and reince priebus both say, this is the best week in a long time for donald trump. i guess it's kind of relative. you write this week that the fact that he's been in the news is masking hillary clinton's real problems. >> one of the things i said is she ought to send him a thank you note for taking attention away from some of the problems -- again, you raised it with robby. the issue about the foundation. that issue popped up again this week. donald trump soaks up so much. draws so much attention to himself, those issues -- it's not that they're not there or they're totally obscured, they don't get the attention they probably otherwise would if he were running a more disciplined campaign more focused away from himself not on him. >> jamal, if you look where things stand, hillary clinton with a healthy lead nationally, 5 to 7 points in the polling averages. you can look at the summer donald trump has had. it should be a lot bigger. >> it should be. hillary clinton, as we all know, has had tough numbers when it comes to her own trust and popularity ratings.
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looking for is whether or not she's going to be able to make it fast 50%. there's a real question to whether that happens. there's an electoral majority. you can see that easily. >> with four candidates in there, you think she can get close to 50? >> i think it will be dotful. it could mean something about governor, mandate. all that stuff matters. what's most important is millennial voters. whether or not she can get 71% of millennial voters who voted for sanders to show up for her. when it comes time for election. >> we saw the expression of regret from donald trump. clearly trying to soften the edges of his persona. did he go far enough? >> it's not necessarily about did he go far enough. can he sustain it? if you think of donald trump a little bit like a shopping cart with a broke. wheel. it keeps wanting to veer off course. can he fix the cart? or is this just a week where he's been trying not to knock over the displays in the store? i think it will take more than one good week.
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take a lot of good weeks, all the way through november to earn back the trust of the voters who don't like hillary clinton. a lot of voters are looking at the election in disgust. they're looking for a ray of hope, some reason to vote for someone. donald trump is running out of time. but making this switchup, it may be a last gasp of an attempt to do so. >> one of the most frustrating things about this entire campaign is we keep grading both of the both inspiration and integrity. oh, wow, she put out this thing. greater than what she's done on e-mails. donald trump is same. he says some teleprompted speech, let's grade them on a curve. as opposed to what we should be doing is grading them on the curve that weant to be president the person that to the can bring people together. >> you know, it's a comparative choice between these two. not just hillary clinton versus the perfect. and donald trump versus the perfect. we have two judge them against each other.
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that the established two political parties want to say. it's a binary choice. don't look at anybody else. the significance of the poll is that even now, with both candidates 100% named, 35% of the country would like to consider someone else. i think they should be allowed to instead of being forced into this position of pick one or the other because that's what you have to do. >> i don't think people are grading on the curve in the way you're talking about. >> we are, mediocracy does. >> people see the flaws in both of these candidates. it's been written about consistently since this campaign started. on the other hand, these are the candidates the major parties produced. the question for the voters, do they take a leap out of that system?
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okay, i'll take the choice that makes me least unhappy? >> that has big implications after november as well. the polls right now are forecasting a large hillary clinton victory. let's say she does get a significant number of votes in the electoral college. that doesn't mean she as mandate to run the agenda she's running on. >> one other thing that could affect this is what the other downballot candidates do. you heard reince priebus say, they're not ready to walk away from donald trump. they're embracing him. but we did see in 1996, tephe rublican party walk away from bob dole in the final two months. that. right now, some of those candidates are hanging on. they're doing better than donald trump, obviously, in their own races. maybe they think they can continue to thread the needle. i think, as we go into october, there's going to have to be some triage in some of these candidates. if they hope to survive that. >> i think there's a real question for the republican establishment. what is the health or the existence of the republican party in the aftermath of an election like this?
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it's a different group of voter who is will stay with them. the problem is, they can't -- for a candidate, for all of his problems, george, as you said, he started before the convention, he was four points down. we have two conventions. all this horrible two weeks. donald trump has this horrible two weeks. he's basically five points down. the republican party establishment the debates, he's three or four down. he has a 1 in 5 a chance of winning this. they're worried about the party. >> you can't win in states unless the presidential nominee makes you viable. rob portman may end up turning out hillary clinton voters to assure his own election on election day. that's going to matter for donald trump. >> this doesn't necessarily mean there are huge sums of voters who love hillary clinton's agenda.
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donald trump is underperforming them by five, six, seven point, come out and say, look, vote for me. send me to washington so i can be a check on hillary clinton's agenda. send me to washington to have a debate, rather than giving her a blank check. >> you could see people pop up who are not in anybody's model. they save members of congress and senators. >> i think to matthew's point, this is a different republican party we've seen created through this election. and for somebody in a tough senate race, they have to make a decision how much are they willing to offend that donald trump constituency in order to break away and get other voters they otherwise might not get. this is a constituency they have to manage in a way they don't quite know how to do yet. >> i think in the end. the first debate will be a super bowl level of intensity of an
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i think voters are still -- voters carry optimism that maybe somebody will show up with an inspirational message. that transforms and can bring the country together a la barack obama. >> does that happen in a debate? >> it has to. the problem with hillary clinton winning the election, which it looks like as of today she would, or donald trump wins the election, as jamal said, how do they govern? how do they govern in the course of this when 55% of the country no mat who are is elected is going to be angry? on debate day, she has plans, and plans to execute. and donald trump who you can't trust what he says from one event to the next because he changes his mind every day. >> dan balz, if hillary clinton wins by the margins we're seeing today, it's not enough to bring the house to the democratic side. >> no, it's not. she's likely to have a republican house to deal with. and perhaps a republican senate. it's not cooked yet that the democrats are going to take over the senate.
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one of the most important relationships and decisions she has to make is what is that approach to speaker ryan? what is that relationship? how does she do that? >> it's also is, keep if mind, worst case scenario? donald trump will get 55 million votes. worst case scenario in the course of the election. when he shows up on election day? >> that's at about 40%. >> he gets 55 million votes, he's not going away. >> that's the last word. we're going to come back with an update on the zika crisis in florida.
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all it takes is one mosquito bite. and it can affect the rest of our lives. we're just not willing to take that risk. >> so, my husband and i considered the possibility of me relocating for the duration of my pregnancy. as an alternative, we kind of just decided i would put myself arrest, for lack of a better word. i'm not leaving home with the exception of for doctor's appointments or if there was an emergency. >> so much concern about the zika virus. the cdc warned pregnant women should stay away from miami beach. as the virus continues to spread. for more, we're joined by dr. anthony fauci. from the national institutes of health. dr. fauci, thank you for coming back again this morning. you said last week, the situation in florida could be a perfect storm scenario. is that what we're seeing right now?
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predictable, george. you have a situation where you have a considerable number of travel-related cases. the right environmental and mosquito conditions, you'll see both individual cases, as we have seen in winwood and now in miami beach. but also you're going the see clusters, which is what we're seeing here now, with the latest report from miami beach. it's not unexpected. the florida authorities and cdc are being aggressive with mosquito control. which rht only way that you can put a damper on this and prevent it from spreading even further. >> what other states are at risk right now? >> the ones most at risk are those along the gulf coast. i would not be surprised if we see cases in texas and louisiana, particularly now where you have the situation with flooding in louisiana. there will be a lot of problems getting rid of standing water. when you have a subtropical or semitropical region with the right mosquitos and individuals who have travel-related cases in the environment, it would not be
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not only in florida but perhaps in other of the gulf coast states. >> i was struck by a piece in "the new york times" this morning. by a young scientist, kelly mcbride folkers who wrote -- the millennial generation needs to take the lead in thinking about what we're going to do if zika persists in the next few years. this is not a tropical infection that matters only abroad. we should view it more as an std that any of us could catch. everyone who might have a child needs to take this seriously. >> we need to take it seriously. i do not think, though we need to be prepared for it, that we're going to see a diffuse, broad outbreak in the united states. because of a number of issues. the conditions in our country as a broad, continental usa would not make that a likely happening. we'll see these kinds of outbreaks and you know, with our experience with other viruses like dengue, this is something that could hang around for a year or two. hopefully, we get to a point to suppress it so we won't have any
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with dengue in the past. things look good in the continental united states for it. the issue is control. we're compounded by the complication that this is also sexually transmitted. which is one of the reasons you have to be extra special careful about following the cdc guidelines. if you're in the area or traling to an area which is now the areas that we're seeing in miami beach and in winwood. >> dr. fauci, thank you for joining us. that is all for us today. thanks for sharing pabt of your sunday with us. check out "world news" tonight.
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a crash on the local highway leads ooe person dead and investigators say street racing may be to blame. plus we learn more about how a woman died on side of i-76 on friday. details about who the victim is and what led to her death. i made two really bad place tonight that took away from a great performance and potentially winning the job. that's really too bad. >> mark sanchez saying his performance may have cost him the job of starting quarterback after last night's upset against the 49ers. we have highlights and details ahead. an early morning shooting has left one person dead.
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